Individualized attention, reasonable rates and flexibility are just a few of the many accommodations Keiser Family Law & Mediation offers. I provide family law mediation, as well as a full range of other legal services to individuals with various family law needs in Alameda and most other Bay Area counties.
I offer mediation services in cases involving divorce, custody disputes, child and spousal support, and property division. I also continue to handle individual representation and consulting services in family law cases as well. So, whether you’re looking to mediate a resolution in your divorce, or you’re looking for representation in a family law case, or you want a family law attorney to consult with, I will guide you through the process with a special eye toward getting you through to the other side with as little trauma as possible.
I offer a range of options, from mediation, to full-service representation with attention to every detail, limited scope representation for assistance with specific issues in your case, and unbundled services where you choose the specific services needed, such as preparing a premarital agreement, drafting a Marital Settlement Agreement or preparing and filing judicial council forms to finalize your divorce.
Email me at joekeiser@keiserlaw.com to schedule an initial one-hour consultation for only $100, and together we can determine how to best handle your family law issues.